By greg on Thursday, 13 May 2010
Category: Member Blog


I wrote an article on the front of the website about Tim Dennis and his adventures.  His stay here at our home in Romoland was quite curious because the entire time my gaydar kept going off.  My Tim told me that I suspect everyone who has an RV and  an extra $40.  That is not true, I recognized the caring unselfish qualities TimDennis had, and oh yea, the way he checked out the Jockeys who exercise horses at a ranch across the street from our house.  

Not long into the first day TimDennis revealed to me that he was a member of our club. Club? did he imply the Rainbowrv Camping club? or  is "He's a club member " some type of British idiom equal to our saying "she's family".  Well a quick check of the website gave me the answer however not as definitive as you would think.  Tim Dennis is a Rainbowrv member with the screen name  RambelingRat   .  Check out his profile and accept him as a friend.  I wish Tim all the luck with his adventure and work. We hope he will attend some RainbowRV functions while in the states and make many wonderful friends.

Here is a pic I took of Tim just before he left us for his trip to Montana. The Kilt doesn't even give me a clue, He's a Scot??  Interesting person for sure.

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