Spoil yourself with a stay at their peaceful park, featuring paved roads, concrete patios, heated and air conditioned laundry facilities and private showers and restrooms, picnic tables, and a handicap accessible restroom. Their long, spacious, pull-thrus feature 20/30/50 amp service, instant phone and modem hookups, Highspeed Wireless Internet and with two easy exits off of I-35, they couldnt be easier to find. Easy access to the Metroplex!
They are close to large shopping malls as well as outlet malls, antique and craft malls.
Come see whats waiting for you in the country!
More than just a whistle stop, Burleson, Texas is a city filled with old history and charm, yet only 40 minutes from Six Flags, Texas Motor Speedway, Ballpark of Arlington and Lone Star Park. Burleson is also home to Hidden Creek, a new municipal golf course that offers a variety of amenities such as a gift shop, restaurant, driving range and full 18- hole course
More than just a whistle stop, Burleson, Texas is a city filled with old history and charm, yet only 40 minutes from Six Flags, Texas Motor Speedway, Ballpark of Arlington and Lone Star Park. Burleson is also home to Hidden Creek, a new municipal golf course that offers a variety of amenities such as a gift shop, restaurant, driving range and full 18- hole course
Rates range from $25-$28