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Rainbow RV
NorCal Chapter Annual
Bodega Bay Weekend Adventure 2018
May 25th, 26th and 27th leave May 28th 3 night event
BodegaBayRVParkWe invite you to come join Rainbowrv members as they take you on an adventure to the quaint historic coastal community of Bodega Bay. This will be the 16th year that Bodega Bay has played host to the Rainbow RV Group.  It's been a time honored event throughout the years and this year is no exception when it comes to FUN.  The Bodega Bay area embodies the powerful attractions of the Pacific Coast. Ocean breeze, the crashing of waves, stunning sunsets, great seafood, romantic RV accommodations, adventure, and relaxation. Combine the fresh produce of Sonoma County, the daily catches coming in to Bodega Bay with the beauty of the coast - and you get the unique conditions that make for some incredible dining. 








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