Event Planning

RainbowRV events are a major attraction to the club.  Events are in two categories.  KampTrips and Formal Events. We cover formal events in this Article.

Travel Planning

Formal events are organized thru the Website with event payment made online. The club pays deposits, host budget and final site payment to the rv-park with the funds collected.  Most formal events are member volunteer hosted.  We found  the best way to continue formal events with these adopted uniform procedures.


Volunteer member considers a location and time they wish to host an event. The member learns necessary parameters and propose having the event organized via the website. Generally these events can be set up for 5 to 60 rig anticipated participation. Volunteer member fills out a form online. The form may be to the right of this article or below depending on your web browser. After sending the form We will contact you or please contact Tim at 951-830-1519 or Greg at 951-830-5997 to discuss the submitted details.  Together you and Tim or Greg can best consider the feasibility and possible participation.

Deposits and Contracts

Contracts with the RV parks and outside services are  signed by  and held in the name of RainbowRV. Deposit advances and final payment are made directly from RainbowRV funds established for event planning. RainbowRV office is responsible for meeting payment date obligations and funding totals.  Volunteer members do not use their own funds to organize formal events. Contract obligation being retained by the club allows original host organizer to change in the chance the host is unable to continue with planning.

Coffee Morning

Host Budget and Funds

The registration  payment total includes a host budget amount of $25. or less per rig for the event. This amount is set aside to reimburse the host for costs directly related to that event.  Cost are budgeted during planning and include items like paper plates, pizza, coffee, firewood, and game prizes.  Host budget payment check is mailed to the designated host with member name tags  one or two weeks prior to the event. It is necessary for us to have actual receipts saved and forwarded back after the event to offset the budget and keep us audit ready. Sample budget is below


Managing an event

The purpose of the event is fellowship. The host  job is to organize  many activities during the event.  Quite often the event will include other volunteer members to help with individual activities. It is then the host duty to organize event volunteers.    Activities are simple published occasions where members gather. These occasions provide members with the opportunity to meet new friends and reconnect with familiar members. We say published occasions which fall short of mandatory activities as not all attendees feel comfortable with every activity.  Our attempt is to organize two activities each day and make attendance attractive.  Below is a list of typical and fun activities.

  • Welcome desk
  • First night meet and greet pizza party
  • Morning Coffee and continental breakfast
  • Mid day local attraction caravan
  • Potluck dinners
  • Member rv tours
  • Campfire s'mores contests
  • Any excuse to gather  

New Member Introductions

When registering for an event, we ask if the event is the members first second or third+ time with the group. This information is passed onto the event host so first time and new members can get added attention. Host activities for new members include Meet and Greet introduction, personal reminders of potluck and event times, and asking other members to include the newbie in their plans .  Often members get so comfortable with past friends that their circles at event meeting appear to be exclusive (click like). Host make an effort to open the circles of friends to include new members. We hope to organize an ambassador program where most events will have an ambassador to help host with proving special attention to new members.

emerald mapSite Assignments

This task is arduous and thankless work.  Every RV park has a plan or preference as to how sites are assigned for groups.  We found it best to forward a member manifest to the rvpark with requests and member data from the Rainbowrv office. Host are given an opportunity to add request to member request made during reservations. RV Park staff are better able to place members in sites that accommodate their request, rig size, and reserved nights.  We have implemented a next-to policy :when a member request to be next to one member, the other member must request to near that member. This create a single pair and limits the creation of circles that have the appearance of a click to new members . The next-to pair rule also facilitates members getting out of comfortable familiarity and making new friends to longtime members they never camped near prior.

RV park Payment

RainbowRV office is contractually obligated with the resort. We pay the park directly and in advance to arrival. Every rv resort is different in their payment demands and timing and this is spelled out in the contract.  In last minute payment  instances, we will make additional arrangements with the event host.   

  pismo dinner