'Show me state' is the Missouri nickname. There is much to see and enjoy in this beautiful state

Welcome to the Indiana Chapter. This is the place to visit for the latest information on events...
Not sure how “locals” sign up to attend the dinner at the Palm Springs Pride event online. It...Not sure how “locals” sign up to attend the dinner at the Palm Springs Pride event online. It only indicates that the event is sold out, but not how to attend the dinner. Show more

Any intention of updating the campground listings? We have found several that are closed or have...Any intention of updating the campground listings? We have found several that are closed or have been sold and are no longer LGBTQ friendly! Show more

Basic Information
Male -
About me
Married in Vancouver BC on August 3, 2007
We are both retired and share our lives with our 20 month old Chocolate Lab named HARLEY
Search Tags
Graduation High school Year
1968 -
College / University
Purdue University -
Hometown- Grew up Here
Batavia, IL