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TiffinGirls and 2 others are attending NM-Alburqurque International Hot Air Balloon Festival 2016. 8 years ago

NM-Alburqurque International Hot Air Balloon Festival 2016
- Saturday, 01 October 2016 12:00 PM
- Alburqurque, New Mexico
My finger keeps hitting the enter button. Sorry. We have just moved back to New Mexico from...
Hello guys, I just read your post above and there is not much to nothing in the areas you have...
Camembert found a review helpful for Rincon Parkway Campground (Dry Kamp), written by greg
8 years ago
Basic Information
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About me
Cameron and Barry are now retired and have moved back to the Land of Enchantment, New Mexico. Cameron was the Broker/Owner of a Real Estate and Property Management company based in Pleasanton CA. Barry retired from Johnson and Johnson after 25 years of service. We have been partners for the past 32 years and looking forward to many more to come.
Our children (dogs) are Affenpinchers and Bouviers des Flandres. You might want to Google them. The Affens look like little monkey like terriers and the Bouviers are larger herding dogs.
Our mode of travel is a 2009 5th Wheel 10th Anniversary Montana. LOVE IT! We like to travel at any opportunity and the 5th wheel seems to be on the road more than in storage.
Hope to meet others with RV interests and travel, site see, or just get away for the weekend. Give us a shout. We are the hosts for the annual International Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. If you have not had an opportunity to see and experience this great adventure, now is the time to put it on your bucket list. The fiesta is always the first full weekend in October extending through the second full weekend. The Rainbow RV group meets up on Wednesday at noon and continues our venture through the second weekend.
Our emails are: cameron@cameronriegel.com and BarryLeece@gmail.com
Search Tags
Graduation High school Year
1974 -
Hometown- Grew up Here
Thoreau, NM
Event Registration details
Rig type