RainbowRV in Southern California was fortunate to recently play host to Tim Dennis as he made his way thru the state. Full Time RV enthusiasts have made the stop and visit in the past so this brief stay was not unique. The unique part is the character of Tim Dennis and his charitable objectives and accomplishments
In June 2008, Tim Dennis of Dalbeattie, Scotland sold his house to finance a solo round-the-world overland expedition. While planning his expedition Tim bought a hiking hat and found a label inside describing support for Street Kids International. When he read more he found Street Kids vision was perfectly matched with his personal goals and decided to use his expedition to raise awareness and funds for Street Kids.
Tim's Toyota powered trec is named RamblingRat. Fantastic videos on his blog website 40,000 miles under his belt the project proved a great success and Tim is ready for his next adventure, Central America group tours. These commercial tours allow willing ambitious thrill seeking patrons a chance to spend time in touristy and remote areas of Guatemala. Participants enjoy hiking, rafting, Camping and volunteer work with local programs set up to improve the lives of street kids. The tours adventure brought Tim to California to purchase several used Wanderlodge Motorhomes.
The Wanderlodge bus conversions are built with roll over protection and have the durability to better handle road conditions in the developing country. The unique brand of rv was the connection that sent Tim our way. Rainbowrv Flagship bus is a 1994 40 foot Bluebird Wanderlodge with a 7 foot high heel stiletto. Tims new bus is a 36foot 1985 Wanderlodge classic without the footwear . Several Wanderlodge sources directed Tim our way to help iron out some minor issues with his 1985 Bus.
I have invited Tim to write members only blog to keep us informed of his new adventure. Good Luck Tim and thanks for all you do for young folks.