
Camp Kamp

RainbowRV member publishing portal

Rincon Beach in December

Tim and I had a great time camping with the group at the Pala Reservation in Northern San Diego County. Three days after we got back home we decided to spend a week dry camping (camping an RV without hookup to Utilities) along the coast at the Rincon Parkway in Ventura I started the morning early with a quick drive to San Diego to visit a customer ...

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Pismo 2010

Tim and I had a great weekend  at California central coast.  We made our way to the coast on Thursday night but were not able to get into the campground in time to register.   We dry camped along the coast off of  the sea cliff drive exit .  They use the honor system where you drop your money in a envelope with the parking space number on it.  Tim cooked us up some BBQ chicken on our portable grill  while I took our Scottie dog Molly for a walk. 


Friday morning was bright and clear but we didn’t want to hit the road until morning traffic settled. One more walk on the beach and three cups of coffee later we were back on interstate 101 and headed for Pismo


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