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Our new TT Adventures!

Well  I thought I'd document my partner and my adventures. Today we got a new propride hitch installed which marked the end of our 3 week ordeal buying a new  travel trailer :)

Its a PrimeTime Lacrosse 327res (ours is a lovely champaign not white)

We bought it from  our dealer (Thats it over there we really like it!) with intent on towing with our v8 2012 f-150 ecoboost. Well... on the way home (a 22 mile trip) it was swaying so bad we about had heart attacks in only mild wind even on side roads - and the check engine light came on. Come to find out the dealer for our truck didnt exactly tell us everything correctly about our towing capacity and the radiator was overheating cuz we were like 800lbs over weight.

The experience was actually good, so earlier last week Steve went and got us a 2012 cummins turbo diesel heavy duty ram 2500. Our new hitch arrived on tuesday of last week (propride) and  we got it assembled saturday (had to work!). During assembly we did have to call the support twice on a saturday and Sean woodruff the owner  of the company called us back within 3 minutes both times! (amazing service) - we had  to remount the propane tanks and extend the break away chains (which i finished this morning).

So we pulleder out - the truck pulled the 8400 TT like it wasnt even there and we had 45mph gusts all day today with a cold front moving into austin and we drove a 100mile round trip and it was... for lack of a better word... AHHHHHH MAZEING! we were so relieved, and had no white nuckle experiences. Then.. I was actually able to back it into our driveway on the first try (again!) 

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1905 Yaupon Trail, Cedar Park, TX 78613, USA
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Another Weekend, Another Adventure
Christmas in San Diego California

Comments 2

greg (website) on Tuesday, 28 January 2014 08:25

thanks for posting this blog. A couple of things to keep in mind with your new rig is the power and torque. your Trucks Cummings engine puts out great power at lower RPMs than a gas struck does. The transmissions are sophisticated and usually limit the driver from cooking the truck. When speed and power can be increased by manually shifting the computerized transmission, the driver should consider if the computer was limiting the speed or use and, maybe it is time to back off and take in some views. Heat is a indication of engine stress, Since water temp is easy for a truck fan to cool, oil temp is a good gauge to watch for engine stress.
ROCK IT TO SLEEP- twin axle trailers and twin sets on tag axle motorhomes have a special required parking procedure. The driver needs to line up the tire treads with the sidewalls and relax the springs and shocks. Just watch the stress on the tire sidewalls from outside while someone is backing up the trailer making a sharp turn. if the trailer is stopped and parked mid turn, the tires will be stressed for the term of the park. Rock-To-Sleep = once you line the trailer up to the resting spot, rock forward and back 10,15 feet twice to relax the sets and add life to your tires. One other point with frame to frame tow levelers is to look for any minor cracks which usually show up as rust spots first.

thanks for posting this blog. A couple of things to keep in mind with your new rig is the power and torque. your Trucks Cummings engine puts out great power at lower RPMs than a gas struck does. The transmissions are sophisticated and usually limit the driver from cooking the truck. When speed and power can be increased by manually shifting the computerized transmission, the driver should consider if the computer was limiting the speed or use and, maybe it is time to back off and take in some views. [b]Heat[/b] is a indication of engine stress, Since water temp is easy for a truck fan to cool, oil temp is a good gauge to watch for engine stress. ROCK IT TO SLEEP- twin axle trailers and twin sets on tag axle motorhomes have a special required parking procedure. The driver needs to line up the tire treads with the sidewalls and relax the springs and shocks. Just watch the stress on the tire sidewalls from outside while someone is backing up the trailer making a sharp turn. if the trailer is stopped and parked mid turn, the tires will be stressed for the term of the park. Rock-To-Sleep = once you line the trailer up to the resting spot, rock forward and back 10,15 feet twice to relax the sets and add life to your tires. One other point with frame to frame tow levelers is to look for any minor cracks which usually show up as rust spots first.
vssdgames (website) on Tuesday, 28 January 2014 13:52

Thanks for the info, helpful indeed - the truck came with the max towing package so fortunately it has all the temps, individual tire pressure monitoring and integrated break control, but its good to know what to look for. The rock to sleep thing makes total sense and I even noticed yesterday when I stopped in a parkinglot for a min the weels were kinda goofy looking (all at an angle) and I di move forward and they straightened out, so I can see how that is good for when you are setting up.

Thanks for the info, helpful indeed - the truck came with the max towing package so fortunately it has all the temps, individual tire pressure monitoring and integrated break control, but its good to know what to look for. The rock to sleep thing makes total sense and I even noticed yesterday when I stopped in a parkinglot for a min the weels were kinda goofy looking (all at an angle) and I di move forward and they straightened out, so I can see how that is good for when you are setting up.
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