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Paso Robles March 2012

Tim and I took off on a 10 day trip at the end of March. Our first event and destination was the Central California chapters second annual Paso Robles event. PasoR is a Vineyard winery town north of Los Angeles less than midway to SanFran .We hooked up the Rainbow van at home as our tow and made our way to fill the Bus 300 gallon diesel tank with a bit of love.
"two diet cokes and put the balance on pump 15 please" "OK Sir, $997.00 on 15"

The bus cruised without issue at about 67 mph. My dump-truck s computer shuts down the throttle at 57 mph. I like to take advantage of the added levity to pass up a couple of big rigs when I drive our bus. Tim doesn't like to drive when we tow the Van so I dint ask him to switch up. What I don't understand is why he insists on finding a Jack-in-the box that will accommodate a 65 foot long rig when part of that rig is a fully stocked kitchen?

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Comments 4

LisaB (website) on Thursday, 05 April 2012 07:13

Are Paso Robles and the 49ers village the same event?

Are Paso Robles and the 49ers village the same event?
greg (website) on Thursday, 05 April 2012 19:03

they were 5 hours apart drive time and one weekend apart also. PasoRobles is closer to the coast and the 49ers event is up in the gold mine country hills. I will blog tonight about our trip between the two events

they were 5 hours apart drive time and one weekend apart also. PasoRobles is closer to the coast and the 49ers event is up in the gold mine country hills. I will blog tonight about our trip between the two events
lupita (website) on Thursday, 05 April 2012 08:42

Greg wow what an exciting adventure you guys must of had. Donna & I will certainly plan for that event for next year!

Greg wow what an exciting adventure you guys must of had. Donna & I will certainly plan for that event for next year! ;)
greg on Thursday, 05 April 2012 19:04

we will be glad to see you there. Tim and I may make it to the Paso event but prob not 49ers unless fuel comes down some

we will be glad to see you there. Tim and I may make it to the Paso event but prob not 49ers unless fuel comes down some
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