
Camp Kamp

RainbowRV member publishing portal


I wrote an article on the front of the website about Tim Dennis and his adventures.  His stay here at our home in Romoland was quite curious because the entire time my gaydar kept going off.  My Tim told me that I suspect everyone who has an RV and  an extra $40.  That is not true, I recognized the caring unselfish qualities TimDennis had, and oh yea, the way he checked out the Jockeys who exercise horses at a ranch across the street from our house.  

Not long into the first day TimDennis revealed to me that he was a member of our club. Club? did he imply the Rainbowrv Camping club? or  is "He's a club member " some type of British idiom equal to our saying "she's family".  Well a quick check of the website gave me the answer however not as definitive as you would think.  Tim Dennis is a Rainbowrv member with the screen name  RambelingRat   .  Check out his profile and accept him as a friend.  I wish Tim all the luck with his adventure and work. We hope he will attend some RainbowRV functions while in the states and make many wonderful friends.

Here is a pic I took of Tim just before he left us for his trip to Montana. The Kilt doesn't even give me a clue, He's a Scot??  Interesting person for sure.

920 Hits

Life at a Gay Campground - as I turn 40

I am about to turn 40 in August. It's a time of reflection. Where am I ? What's important in life ? 
Somehow my journey has brought me from my hometown in upstate NY, to being a resident of New York City, to Nashville, and now here to ..... South Georgia ?  For the past 8 years I have been the organizer of a music festival celebrating the Bear community called Bearapalooza, it has taken me all across the country and 4 years ago it brought us to our first GLBT camp experience at Sawmill in Florida. Every year when we went there, I would tell my partner how wonderful it would be to live and work at a place like that. Well in 2009, Bearapalooza was booked at Roy's Hideaway, a new campground in South Georgia. Roy and I hit it off well and he suggested that my experience booking events in the community might be an asset to his camp and that this might be a good base of operations for my musical endeavors.  - I dove into the idea and my partner and I left Nashville behind. I don't have a lot of "stuff" and I don't have money in the bank, but I am rich beyond compare. I wake up every day and see the beautiful ponds, see the Canadian Geese, hear the bleat of our goats. I do my work outdoors by our beautiful pool and go swimming naked. I get to plan fantastic music events and connect musically with our guests. I meet wonderful people every day. I am a part of a family that cares deeply about making a welcoming safe place for GLTB people to relax and play. Roy, Eduardo, and Dorothy have made my partner Jay and I much more than employees and I feel we are all blessed to have this wonderful experience. Any endeavor like this will involve hard work, and some days it's a challenge, but I am fortunate to be here and to be doing what I am doing.  I want to share that with new guests and give everyone great memories.  I'm going to be sharing interesting things that happen to me, events I am doing here, pictures and more. I hope you enjoy it !!


959 Hits

Wax On... Wax Off.....

Hi y'all. Today was a BEAUTIFUL day here in east Tennesse... sunny, breezy, about 71 degrees. I was at work at 7:30 this morning, I had 3 appointments for new owner orientations.. an 8 a.m., a 10 a.m, and a nooner. This is the one part of my job that I truly love.. being able to connect with other like-minded people, share information, teach them about their new units and share some stores and laughs. So by two o'clock, I wrapped that up, and headed for our service area parking to continue waxing  "My Time". I named the motorhome "My Time", because I'm getting to the age where I say things like " I want to take My Time and go to".... or, " I'm taking My Time and .... so it seemed like a fitting name.( My previous motorhomes were named "Tempo" and "Tempo II", " Blue Baron", and Miss Fitz".) But I digress...... so I opened the windows and awning, put on some music, cracked open a Rolling Rock beer, and went to work. I'd hunted high and low for a good, easy to use product for removing the light, hazy oxidation and grub from a gelcoated surface. Everyone I talked to recommended GelGloss, so I bought a $6.49 can and tried it. All I can say is WOOOOOWWW ! I am EXTREMELY pleased with the results ! It's easy to use, smells good, and requires very little rubbing to produce a very sharp, glossy shine I've done about 28 feet of the door side, and the stainless steel wheel covers in about 3 1/2 hours. From awning rail down to the beltline where the compartment doors begin, and between all the vinyl striping. I will take pictures tomorrow and post here, and perhaps a video so you can see the results (If I can figure out how to do that..  I'm technologically challenged with such things..LOL ) I hope everyone is doing well and I'll write more tomorrow... keep a song in your heart !

944 Hits

Tire Pressure Advice

The Goodyear GST614RST trailer tires have a max rating of 110psi cold inflation, which I have always kept them inflated.  A friend recently suggested that in hot weather driving I should keep only 105psi to give the tires greater room for expansion due to heat. 

I always thought that even at maximum inflation the tires are designed to handle the additional psi driving on hot roads.....trying to avoid blowouts and appreciate any advice on best psi.  Thanks, Peter

841 Hits

Greetings from Tennessee, y'all....

Hello everyone ( well, anyone bored enough to read this.... you know who you are ! ) This is my first attempt at "blogging", so bear with me until I get the hang of it.  Summer apparently is upon us here in Tennessee. Everything's come to life and starting to bloom, it's been HOT....and prime camping season is underway. As many of you may or may not know, I work for Tennessee RV here in Knoxville, and our season started about mid-March... as if someone opened a floodgate. It's shaping up to be a busy, BUSY summer.

 When I've been out "motorhoming" this past year, I've always used one of our stock units ( the Foretravel Grand Villa with the LOVELY lavender awnings.. hehehehe ) It really is a pretty coach, great floorplan, handled like a sports car.... and I just LOVE the smell of a Detroit diesel in the morning....LOL.  I've been motor-homeless for quite awhile now, as I never needed to own one while being in the RV business. It's always been in the back of my mind to buy again, but wasn't a priority. Until last week..... I bought another coach of my own. Nothing grand, just a 33 foot Seabreeze 133 Limited, by the now defunct National RV. I wanted to hold out for another Foretravel, as I've had several through the years, but this was too good a deal to pass. It has new carpet, upholstery, tires, belts, hoses and brakes. All the work was professionally done and the owners were very meticulous and spared no expense to make it a useable coach. Their needs changed, and they went into a triple slide Georgetown 374, because they're going to be full-timing.

So I made an exploratory trip to Timberfell Lodge, a gay resort about 50 miles east of Knoxville, so I could test everything out, see how it handled towing a car, check how it handled, listen for squeaks and rattles, etc. It performed almost... ALMOST flawlessly. I'm experiencing the "454 spark plug fade", as Eray was with his Airstream. I was expecting it, as I've had the 454 in other coaches, and quite frankly would have been surprised if it DIDN'T do it. So first on the "to do" list is a new set of plugs and Jacobs ceramic-booted plug wires.

I also need to add some vent covers, a sewer tank flush, an Ultra Guard, a light above the electric step, and later in the summer, new A/C shrouds... ( they're intact, but old and prone to blowing off going down the road ). Camping World has a high-volume vent fan, much like the MaxxAir fan, except this fan, called a Vortex, replaces those little dinky bathroom fans. All you need to do is remove the interior bezel and screen, remove the little tiny fan from the vent opening, make your 12v electric connections, and screw the fan into place. There's no need to remove the roof portion of the vent and break it's seal to the roof. I'll let you know how the install goes when I get it done. I'll try and get pictures of things on here too. I alone am not that fascinating, so I have to rely on pictures..LOL

I'm hoping to use this blog for such things, and to tell about our group outings as well as my own misadventures. I once went out to have the LP tank filled on the motorhome and didn't return home for 6 weeks, but thats a story for another time ! Until then, keep a song in your hearts..Mike

930 Hits

Julian Trip

I had a wonderful time in Julian with the group.  Glenn W always puts on a great event.  The road up to Julian is two lane for the last 60 miles and changes elevation about 4,000 feet. At the top, Camp was a brisk 48degrees when it was warm!  Temps got down to 31 but the warmth of the group kept out the hypothermia. 

Tim and I  pulled the new RainbowRV Van Behind our motor-home.    On our freeway part of the trip it was fun to get thumbsup from passing community members who understood the color scheme and term " PRIDE " to imply 'Gay and Lesbian family member driving'.

Larry of Northern Cal who made the 10 hour trip to be with us  in Julian took a bunch of photos . here is one of our group taken during the warmest hour of the entire trip


  I am looking for a way to post them in the chapter group page or some other manageable tool for site enjoyment and critique.    This new member author tool will help share the fun we all have every time a chapter gets together. Hopefully other members will update their adventures by blogging On RainbowRV 

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895 Hits

Blog tool is up and Running

Well.... Our  Club Website is built using a new sum of 18 programs to help organize and protect the data.  One of the issues we have with adding user features is I build the site first on a test platform at then test it on this server at  after every thing works out,  I then copy it over to this live side.   When I update and add features I often work on several tools at a time . This week I installed our simple classified program and our members blog program. thanks for your patience and look for video's on how to  host a Blog.  Blogs are fun and a cool way for you to share travel experiences and helpful hints with friends across the country.


The image below  was taken in our backyard, how gay can you get, check back and I'll show just how gay it does get.  I first need to prune the roses


909 Hits

My second Blog entry

BlogBlog Blog

I hope the changes help


979 Hits