
Camp Kamp

RainbowRV member publishing portal

2nd Annual Holiday Campout at Kalaloch Campground / Olympic National Park, WA

Storm surf was awesome...logs tossed about like toothpicks in the surf.  New Years Day sunset was amazing.   Lunch and dinner at the Lodge restaurant were good and fairly priced.  A nice way to ring in the New Year.  It would be great to organize a Rainbow RV trip for next year! 

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CA-Memorial Day Kamp Trip @ Escondido RV Resort

Memorial Day Kamp Trip is only 4 1/2 months away! We had a lot of fun last year and looking forward to another. The trip to the nearby San Diego Wild Animal Park is planned, informal cocktail parties, exploring other areas so hope you will come join us! When you call the resort to make your reservations, we recommend these sites on the upper level: View Sites are #123, 124,125, 126, 127 . Other good sites are 97 through about 115.  Hope you will join us for a fun, kick-back holiday weekend!

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Pismo Beach 2012

Another fun trip.  While we were packing up we noticed one of our blue Specialized Bicycle Helmets was missing. Maybe I left it at someone's campsite?  If anyone saw it please let me know.  Thanks. 

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Sturgis SD Bike Week 2013

David and I are going to Sturgis for Bike Week August 2013.  Does anyone have any recommendations regarding campgrounds?  We appreciate any advice.



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Tyler Trip

What turned out to be a lovely day for a trip..Great flying weather to Tyler.  Picked motohrome home up and headed back to Houston...Many stops along the way. Then she would not start...We think the alternator went out. What an adventure...Finally put in two different types of batteries in to get the transmission to ship and raced back home... All said we are so lucky for all the help that was given to us.  I will always be a dedicated customer of Love Truck Stops now. They were so kind to us. 

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Travel to Provincetown

We are heading to Ptown again on August 6th

We will be there for carnival week.  If anyone is headed that way let us know.  Our email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Frank and Ed



914 Hits

Texas Chapter & Camp Outs

I am interested in forming  Texas Chapter and would like to know if there is any interest?


Please contact me with some suggestions and I will plan a camp out.



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Galveston get away

Sandpiper RV Resort..

Was a nice park but quite expensive, but did enjoy the pool.  Would a great destination park for sightseeing, and being close to town.

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Feedback and suggestions on Travel Blogging

Been trying to work on an easy way to share our trips with friends & family while logging important travel info for future reference all in one spot. Trying NOT to do any coding so I've set up the attached site using Tumblr and Disqus. I should be able to easily travel blog via email or posting via our laptop/iPhone/iPad apps. Would love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Thanks.

3528 Hits

California or Bust

CALIFORNIA OR BUST ---- Three month trip from Houston to San Diego and back to Houston with stops at Bisbee, Temecula, and San Diego pride.  I’m really looking forward to the Temecula event, and can’t wait to meet all you California guys.

I would always dream about the RV life style but it was one I always thought would be too expensive with my work schedule.  Many weekends I would be working and most vacations were not more than a few days or a week at a time.  A RV would have spent too much time in storage.

After I retired I found myself spending way too much time sitting on my balcony in Galveston watching the traffic on the Seawall.  Well that all started to change about 2 years ago when I was sitting on the balcony and saw a little Scamp trailer being pulled behind a little VW bug.  I said to a friend how cute, you could camp any were with that.  I knew I wanted to get out and do more and that was when the plan to travel the US and Canada was born.  And the search for a new RV started.

I knew if I was going to do this for a very long time I had to keep the whole life style as simple as possible.  I started out looking at the Scamp and the Casita and then I started to look at the Truck Campers, because of their saying “Go Any Where Camp Any Where”.  After about 2 years and lot of research I finally decided on a used 2012, 5000 miles, 24’ Class C, hopefully a perfect match for me at this time. Thanks Greg and Tim and everyone else for all your comments and suggestions.  I know 2 years is a long time (even for me) but during that time I also sold my Condo in Galveston, moved back to the house in Houston, (after a complete remodel) and planned my first trip out.

My first shake down trip was to Galveston (already missing Galveston) and I spent a few days just checking everything out.  Everything went well until the last night when there was a strong wind storm.  Remember the song Galveston; you really do remember the sea winds blowing.  It kept me up half the night worrying about what was going to be blown off the RV.  I had my awning in but two other RVs had theirs out and they were ripped apart by the next day.  Other than a RV covered with sand for me everything was fine, I only had to spend the next day washing the RV.   The fridge worked fine the whole time.

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Advice on Arizona

Hi all,

The Canadians are heading south again this Fall!  We hope to be part of Rainbow RV's Pismo Beach Rally and perhaps California Great Outdoors' Conference & Campout on this trip.  Part of our itinerary includes a stretch of time (Oct 15 - Oct 25) that we thought might be nice visiting Lake Havasu, Grand Canyon, Sedona.  And maybe Phoenix before heading back into California (San Diego, Palm Springs).  Any advice on Arizona?




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Borrego Springs California 2012

Tim and I just got back home from Borrego Springs.  Beth and Elia hosted another great time at the Springs of Borrego RV  park.  This is the 6th year they hosted the same spring event and I think we made every one but one.  The Springs is a GlampGround and priced like one but Beth negotiated a great group rate for 30 rigs.   The reservations sold out in one day  on the Rainbowrv site last November when the event was posted.

We were able to get away from work on Thursday and rushed to the rv park to beat the threatening weather. The wind was at our back all the way up the 10 freeway  past PalmSprings. We opted this path as I feared there may be snow if we drove down Montezuma grade. Yes Snow This time of year the mountains around PalmSprings and SanDiego get a dusting that usually doesn't last more than 2 days at a time. My caution was well placed when we woke up Friday morning to fresh snow in the vistas.

Thursday Night was a pre event campout and as usual we had a relaxing time. 10 of us caravanned to the Borrego Airport for Italian fare.  Good food and great service.  Nothing will compare to Italian food in Philadelphia but this place came close.  Of interest at the airport was a bunch of vintage planes tied down for a pending airshow that weekend.  I'm not into it but we took information back to camp for members who are.  Elia is alway on the look out for things for members to do during the day.

Friday Meet and Greet was warm.  I would guess there were 80 to 90 members there and a bit more present for Saturday Night PotLuck.  Both nights events broke early enought to give us time for LPG Faux campfires and cocktails at everyone's rigs.

Saturday night Tim and I won a expresso coffee service. it is fun to win anything.  the set will remain a cherished treasure ( for someone some day). Teresa & Alex of Mission Viejo won the flag Beth hand made by herself. We were out of the contest for one because Beth made us two. Yes Two. Tim sent one to a flag shop and they lost it. I have been lookin for it on CraigsList China.

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929 Hits

Lake Nacimiento

Tim and I headed for Lake Nacimiento after Paso Robles. Rainbow Rv Members Rich and Steve invited us to camp at their lake front home. I didn't have any expectations but I had an idea this would be a beautiful and relaxing week with friends.

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917 Hits

Paso Robles March 2012

Tim and I took off on a 10 day trip at the end of March. Our first event and destination was the Central California chapters second annual Paso Robles event. PasoR is a Vineyard winery town north of Los Angeles less than midway to SanFran .We hooked up the Rainbow van at home as our tow and made our way to fill the Bus 300 gallon diesel tank with a bit of love.
"two diet cokes and put the balance on pump 15 please" "OK Sir, $997.00 on 15"

The bus cruised without issue at about 67 mph. My dump-truck s computer shuts down the throttle at 57 mph. I like to take advantage of the added levity to pass up a couple of big rigs when I drive our bus. Tim doesn't like to drive when we tow the Van so I dint ask him to switch up. What I don't understand is why he insists on finding a Jack-in-the box that will accommodate a 65 foot long rig when part of that rig is a fully stocked kitchen?

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890 Hits

Our first official day as full timers

Today is our first official day as full-time RVers.  Although we have been staying in the coach for the last two weeks while we packed up the house, it really didn't feel official until last night when we turned in the keys and left with the last two car-loads of 'stuff'. Those days of working all day and packing the house at night and heading to the coach just to sleep are thankfully behind us.

Are we crazy to give up 2000 sq feet for a 40ft motorhome with 2 slides?  We'll let you know.  We both still have our full time jobs, so we aren't traditional full-timers in the sense that we can't just go exploring as we would like.   What we realized however, was that when we were in the RV, we hated to go home.  The only parts of the house were were using was the kitchen, family room and bedroom.  We had all that in the coach.  Our lease was up, and we couldn't another house we really liked, so we decided to just go for it.  If we hate it, we'll find another house, but not really worried about that.

All I can tell you is that today has been soooooo relaxing.  We're on a beautiful private lot.  It's quiet and peaceful and it has been a great day doing all the 'setltling in' things and putting the last of things away.  The best part is, we didn't have to go home after a great Sunday in the RV.  We were already home!

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Bisbee June 15-18 Gay Pride

Just made reservations with Kieth @ Dave's Resort.  Sounds like it could be lots of fun.  Not many hook ups avail.  first come First served.

Larry and Steve

954 Hits

Spring is in the Air

Our third trip out in the Beach House --the trip to the beach will happen eventually!

More bad weather forecasts, but we forged ahead just like the two times before. This time it all worked out better. We left home Thursday afternoon, had some rain overnight and the next morning --but the skies cleared and we enjoyed our first truly nice weekend out in the Airstream.

Had to start with a little challenge though...... setting up camp has already become routine, but for a little problem with the tongue jack. It became frozen, completely bound up --would not move in any direction despite all manner of coaxing. Of course it was quickly becoming very dark as we worked and worked with it. Kinda nice to have no artificial light in the camp at all --but not a good place to work! The camp host brought her flashlight and helped as much as she could, but in the end, we pulled the scissors jack out of the Jeep and leveled up the next morning. Only 4 inches out of level that first night.! Noticeable but OK. Working in the dark, just wasn't working and dinner time had come and gone --but we didn't skip dinner of course, just a little late.

The hitch chores were completed after the rain subsided mid morning. We were able to explore our area, the camp area is small, only 28 sites, most of them with great views of the lake, none of them far from the lake at all. Nice trails to the beach area.

Saturday morning we had bacon and eggs underway pretty early --we could tell we were in for a very pretty day. Our first really nice sunny, reasonably warm day of the season. The season we started out intentionally very early! Anxious to get out!

The camp area is pretty, Spring has not really arrived yet, but we have a nicely wooded area, gentle hills on the shore of Lake Russell. The park includes the camp area, a separate cottage area (very nice cabins which all look quite new), a beach area, waterfront picnic and playground area, and the old steel trestle bridge.

We ventured out on the extended trails on Saturday late morning, miles and miles of tails. Our hike was much longer than planned, since we misunderstood the signs. why would we have "The Cottages" and then "Cottage Loop Trail" as two distinct areas? One with cottages and one without. It was about a two mile side-trip, which is OK, but we were feeling a little lost in the woods --not a great feeling in the early season in unfamiliar territory and few other people around! Just a slight tinge of panic. We finally found the cottages and found a more direct route back to the campground.
The side-trip afforded lots a great view of the woods and the water. We would have missed a lot if we stayed on the direct trail. 

Saturday afternoon, we drove to Bobby Brown Outdoor Rec Area, south east of Elberton --another state park (decommissioned) much the same as Lake Russell Park. Nice camp area and water views. this is a huge parks -lots of trails, huge natural area far from the highways, really secluded overall.

On the way home, another side-trip, planned this time to the Georgia Guidestones. About 9 miles directly north of Elberton. Lake Russell Park is about 9 miles northeast of Elberton. The guidestones are weird all around. Hard to understand how the project was ever important to anyone, but now we have a fun curiosity in the area. Stonehenge it's not.

Kerry insists it has the fingerprints of Ted Turner. Who knows who funded this in the early 1980's. Pretty well guarded secret.

Back to the camp for steaks on the grill. A very nice warm evening with campfire and lots of kids running around. Pleasant kids actually --but very active!

On the way home, a stop at Watkins Mill Bridge State Park. A very interesting covered wooden bridge -and very pretty setting on the river, rocks, mill stream etc. The truss is a diamond truss --a little unusual -- fastened with wooden pegs. You can drive through the bridge if you are less than 9 feet tall and weight less than 3 tons. We were out of luck on both counts.

I thought the sky above the bridge looked like a nice airbrush job.

The bridge in the distance --rocky river bottom --perfect for play in warmer weather I'm sure. The park has a large equestrian component, a nice campground. Again a small campground with sites arranged around the rim of a ridge --views into neighboring valleys all around. The sites are spread out nicely too. The covered bridge is not only means of crossing the river, so one must plan which side to access. Campground and trails on one side, equestrian area and riverside picnic areas on the other. You can walk the covered bridge as well --traffic was certainly not a concern at this time of year anyway.

Back home mid afternoon on Sunday. The trip is 97 miles each way --but not an interstate trip at all, so the 97 miles, reduced speed with our rig, and many small towns and stop signs makes it a solid 2 1/2 hour trip each way. Still not that far from home!

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Alaska Bound

RT (my RoadTrek) and I have reservations on the July 31st ferry from Prince Rupert, BC to Skagway, AK. Previously we have covered most of the lower 48, except the northeast. This will be the first trip north and the first out of the country.  Over the years I have camped and RVed through most of Europe as well as Japan, Australia and New Zealand. I'm excited about finally making it to state number fifty.

I'd welcome any suggestions on what to see/do on this trip from RRVers.

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Pechanga 2012

What Fun. The event wet off well. This was one of the events where it was truly a group effort.  My highlight was the Italian dinner.  I know the forums were buzzing with us boasting about serving 300 folks in under 25 minutes but it was all fun. I often fear referring to members as a number  but it is cool that a group of 300 friends can come together and self organize 8 social gatherings in a weekend. Tim and I stayed in camp the entire weekend but we never felt captive to the responsibility.  It was simply a bunch of Fun.

We arrived at  the Park on Thursday  with Glenn Morris and  Ron. Shortly after we made it there, the crew from Bigtop Tents showed up to set up two party tents.  We have in the past priced purchasing party tents for the club but I think not. The crew of 5 took almost 3 hours to set up and the same time on Monday to deconstruct.  There was not much for us to do on Thursday so we relaxed with the may early bird members who arrived from states as far as Minnesota.   Glenn&Ron , Jim&Chuck and  Tim&I Had dinner in the Casino Thursday Night. Great Food, Great Conversation And a wonderful surprise treat.

Friday morning Tim pushed me out of bed at 5:30 to start some coffee. Tim keeps a spreadsheet of quantities for future planning and budgeting so I knew not to sneak a bagel or scoop too much coffee into the 60 cup makers.  Over the last 6 years morning coffee and beagles have become a favorite for members to plan their day and meet new members.  Typically everyone starts working the toasters around 7:30am but this crowd was full of early risers and we we having fun and laughing together at 6am.  Victorville Motors one of our club sponsors set up Valentine gifts for welcome treats to arriving members and we moved our attention from the Coffee pots to the Check in Pool area.

We had anticipated long lines of rv's and set up a plan to move some members to their sites with a request that they walk back to the centrally located check in at their convenience.  This seemed to work well because rarely were there any more than 6 rigs parked at the office waiting to check in and start the weekend.  Glenn and Ron kept things rolling along and proved to make sure members fond their way.  Tim did his Wine County offering with a bottle to each rig. I am not a wine connoisseur but I herd a member say that the wine was Chateau' Latrine? that takes me back to Rutgers 1984.

Friday night club members gathered at the community room and tents for a Meet and Greet. We set this meet and Greet up just like a cocktail party and tried not to create a flow or potluck line.  I like the way this system went off at Beth and Elias Borrego 2011 event and am glad we repeated it.  This kept members on their feet and the atmosphere was like a Hollywood A list Party.  Gathering members together is a core objective of these events.  Booze and food are often the excuse but the intention is always conversation and fellowship.  Pechanga2012 Meet and Greet was a perfect BYO Cocktail party.  I met several new members

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925 Hits

Inaugural Trip

My new life begins this week with the shake-out cruise in the new-to-me motorhome (not yet named). I'm staying at Killens Pond State Park in Delaware. It's beautiful here, with nature trails, a big lake, holly and tall trees, 30 amps of heat pump driving power and nobody else around except the campground hosts. In fact they just joined me for wine and cheese and chat. They are toughing out the winter in a popup! I loved my popup, but I could never spend more than a week or so in it and certainly not in the winter.

My two cats, Osito and Brindie, are adapting nicely -- Osito has adopted the broad dashboard as his favorite place to nap and Brindie has found enough hiding places to feel secure. I'm feeling very secure as well. (Maybe it's the wine or maybe it's the fact that there are other people in the camp.) I haven't even bothered to pull the curtain over the windshield.

I've pretty much figured out how everything in the coach works except for the satellite dome. I don't think it works because it just keeps searching endlessly for a sattelite but never finds anything. I can live without satellite TV especially since I'm pulling in a couple of very good OTA broadcast stations. I could almost live without TV entirely but I'm not ready to give up PBS.

I'm not so happy with the flaky nature of the HW heater. The first day the water was scalding hot. Now it's lukewarm at best. So much for trying out the shower. At least the campground has good hot showers in a heated building. (It's winter here in Delaware.)

It's nice being one of the only people here.  I'm enjoying the feeling that my site is acres rather than 20 x 45 feet. The tranquility is soothing. I could see this turning into a full-time lifestyle. Maybe it will. I'll keep you posted.

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